Picture Retake Day – October 11th


Who: Lake Oswego Junior High

What: School Retake Day 2016

Where: LOJ Campus

When:  Tuesday, October 11

Getting Retakes? Please bring your original package and include any notes of what you would like done differently (helps the photographer to ensure you are satisfied with your photo). Have your student hand their packet to the photographer.

First Time Photo? We will provide price lists on Retake Day or you can print an order form here. If you prefer paying by credit/debit card, click here (this link will expire on October 11th @ 11:59pm)​.  Have your student hand their order form or online receipt to the photographer.  If you have any questions or encounter and difficulty with the online preordering process, contact us at Smile@aisaphotography.com or 503.636.9650 and we will be happy to help.


The Barry Family


1)      Visit www.AisAPhotography.com

2)      Select “Order Photos”

3)      Enter the login code LOJHS

Enter your student’s information, select packages, update cart, and voila!, we’re ready to take your payment and process your order.

We look forward to seeing you on Picture Day!